What to take to your REUNION

Taken from the James Webb Telescope – 1 million miles above you – check it out on YouTube and see!

Oh No!

I wasn’t sure I wanted to go! After all it had been ?? years since I’ve seen these people!

I’m glad I went! It was “I” who had judged these people so many years ago…..time to drop all judgments!

It was “I” who decided – I was not “good enough, smart enough, rich enough or equal” to them.

It was “I” who judged each of them – mostly better than I. It was I who separated myself!

I don’t know what they thought about me and I have learned since that it’s none of my business either! I wish I had known that way back then! So here is what to take or let go of – as you go to your reunion! Half of our problem is:

What do they think about me?

The other half is: What do I think about them!

Who Cares??? Reallly???

  1. Decide you will have a wonderful time. It is up to you to decide this before you go because it will set you up for just that! Decide you will have a good experience and it is a worthwhile thing to do and you will enjoy, aka being “in joy”.
  2. Decide you will drop all past judgments you have had about people! You will no longer see the “past” in them but only the Present! Let the past go…..it is gone anyway, no longer here and never to return!
  3. Decide you will not let your past judgments cast any shadow on NOW! Besides your past judgments were probably wrong. Forgive the past, be free of it and have the peace of NOW…..right NOW! You can do this.
  4. Go with an open heart and mind. Relax! Accept how things are NOW and not how they WERE. Love is here right NOW. Acceptance is here right NOW
  5. Go with Faith in yourself and them…. when you see someone you haven’t seen in awhile ask: What have you done since? ……..High school?……College? or been doing…….since I last saw you. Open them up to bring you up to date with their lives.
  6. Go with Trust…….Trust in your Goodness…..Trust in their Goodness. Go with Love……Trust in Truth!
  7. See – A Course In Miracles: Lesson 7. I see only the past.
    Lesson 7. I see only the past https://acim.org/acim/lesson-7/i-see-only-the-past/en/s/409?wid=search&q=lesson%207
  8. You can use the above suggestions whenever you are going somewhere you don’t think you want to go!!!
From the James Webb Telescope – taken 1 million miles above you